What is Redux?

Yamika Perera
1 min readJan 31, 2023

Redux is a state management package that gives an application’s data and state a centralized location. It is possible to access and change this store from any application component, making state management simple.

Immutability, or the idea that a new state is created with each update rather than the state being directly modified, is one of the fundamental ideas behind Redux. This makes it simpler to debug and maintain the program and ensures that the state is changed in a controlled and predictable manner.

Actions and reducers are the two fundamental principles used by Redux to manage the state. Actions are objects that specify the state changes that must be made. They are sent to the store, where the reducers with the action. Reducers are operations that take a state and an action as inputs and output a new state dependent on the type of action. All application components can then access this updated state because it is now the new state of the store.

Redux offers middleware and debugging tools in addition to actions and reducers. Developers can add more features to the dispatch actions via middleware, such as logging or error handling. A browser addon called Redux DevTools gives state updates a visual representation, making it simpler to troubleshoot and comprehend state changes.

All things considered, Redux is a potent state management framework that offers a centralized repository for an application’s state, making it simpler to manage, uphold and troubleshoot the state. Many JavaScript developers favour it because of its immutability, actions, reducers, middleware, and debugging tools.



Yamika Perera

Software Engineer @ Behaviol | Developer | Writer | Master of Computer Science (reading) UCSC | Computer Studies Graduate